Welcome To The Basement
Welcome To The Basement

Why a Home Page

Places To Go Once Bored Of Me


Dementia 2

The Inevitable Poetry Page

Mental Health



Far I've Been Lately

Photo4 Page

Photo5 Page

Photo6 Page

Let me Know You've Been Visiting

Just Say Hello

Welcome to The Basement. it's not tidy but it's home so take a pew ( if you can find one )

There's Guinness in the fridge and Whisky in the cupboard as well as some Aussie Red Wine so help yourself and settle in for your visit

The River Dee, February 2001
This is one of the rivers in my home town We've had a couple of great snowy winters and it just looked lovely. This view is not far from The Basement.
Basement People

There is just the one full time resident and that's moi. I go by varied names it's Pamela really but when you work with people with Dementia you answer to anything.

There are occasional visitors to The Basement, the parental units when invited and the sibling unit Michelle, the best mate unit Neil also appears usually when I have left me dirty knickers on the loo floor.

Spelling is creative in The Basement

Paying The Bills

The basement needs money to keep it in heating, lighting, toast, internet, whisky and clothes.

Therefore I am forced to leave from time to time to do what they call work.

This is the complicated bit, in the basement life isn't simple the occupant can't have just one job.

So. For part of the week I am an Outreach worker for Alzheimer Scotland action on Dementia, Basically I council and support carers of people with Dementia.
Then the rest of the week I work in the local psychiatric hospital as a Community Chaplain. Eh ! I hear you cry. Well that involves helping people with mental health problems to find links to and access faith and community groups also being a resource for faith and community groups on mental health there is also staff councelling as well. It'd take forever and a day to explain all I do there.

It doesn't pay much but it keeps The Basement going, and I like it

That's enough about me that's not why I did this page. if you dare the next page hopes to explain why. Onward and upward.

It's where I live it's where I will always want to live especially up here in the North.
Here there are the mountains, the sea, the rivers full of salmon, arable lands, cattle lands , sheep lands, stone circles, standing stones, history, legend.

Why would I ever leave, it'd have to be an extreamly good reason even then I'd HAVE to come home often

Don't get me wrong, there are other wonderful places in the world I've been to some but this land is in my heart.

I feel like Chris Guthrie in Sunset Song unless this land is under my feet I feel disconnected not whole.

You guessed it SNP

Paintings Of Scotland

so shoot me
I find it funny and He's my Boss